Dioxide Materials has Developed Electrochemical CO2 to Formate/Formic Acid 3 Compartment Cell Design with Record Performance

GDE Cathode with Nanoparticle Tin Electrocatalyst and Sustainion® Ionomer

Sustainion® Anion Exchange Membrane

Center Compartment with Strong Acid Media

Anode Side Cation Membrane

Anode with IrO2 Electrocatalyst


Extended Formic Acid Cell Operating Performance with Dioxide Materials’ Sustainion® Membranes

                Cell Run 550 Hours – IrO2 on Carbon Anode

                Cell Run 140 Hours – IrO2 on Ti Anode

Examples of the Performance Seen With Dioxide Materials’ CO2 to Formic Acid Electrolyzer

                Cell Voltage vs. Current Density

             Formic Acid FE and Wt% vs. Single Pass Flow Rate

Dioxide Materials’ Patented Catalysts Make the Process Economic

Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 to Formic Acid

Cathode Catalyst Components
  • GDE Cathode

    Tin nanoparticle electrocatalyst, carbon nanotubes, and imidazole-based ionomer

  • Sustainion® Anion Membrane


Why such good performance?

Center Compartment Ion Conductivity

Dioxide Materials’ Advantages

Better Materials
Membrane ASR in 1 M KOH, 60 °C pH Range
Sustanion® 37-50 0.045 Ω-cm2 2-14
Fumasep FAS-50 0.37 Ω-cm2 0-13
Nafion 115 0.52 Ω-cm2 0-13
Fumasep FAPQ-375 0.83 Ω-cm2 0-11
AMI-7001 2.0 Ω-cm2 0-10
PBI 8.3 Ω-cm2 2-10
Neosepta ACN >50 Ω-cm2 0-8
Better Performance